Parish Rice
Parish Rice, The High Protein, Low Glycemic Rice
Parish Rice is just like any other rice, only better. Sure, it's easy to prepare, tastes great, and is grown and harvested right here in South Louisiana, but what makes Parish Rice unique is what it provides. For starters, Parish Rice has 53% MORE protein than the average consumer brand; that alone is something special. When you throw in a low glycemic index score, well, that's a true game-changer.
- 53% more protein
- Low Glycemic Index Score
- GMO-Free
- Louisiana is Grown with Complete Traceability
- Low Amounts of Sodium, Fat, and Cholesterol
- Good source of energy and fiber
- Easy to prepare and tastes amazing!
We are growing a variety from the LSU Rice Research station that has 1.4 times more protein than other long-grain varieties that grow in the southern rice-growing region. Our rice still has the same amount of carbs but the higher protein changes the way the carbs in rice affect your body.
Because of the carbs, long-grain white rice typically scores 60-70 on the glycemic index. We had our rice scored at an independent lab, Inquis Clinical Research and the score came back at 41. We have a much lower score and fall in the low range on the glycemic index vs. the high range that all other rice falls into.