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Sal & Judy’s Pasta A La Norma Recipe-Cajun Crate & Supply

Sal & Judy’s Pasta A La Norma Recipe

Pasta all Norma, a classic Sicilian eggplant pasta dish with tomato, garlic, basil, and ricotta. It’s an easy and delicious, traditional recipe that the whole family will enjoy. This dish originates from Sicily and is said to be named after Bellini’s opera Norma.


  • 1 Jar Jar Sal & Judy’s Original Pasta Sauce
  • 2 Eggplants
  • 4-8 Basil leaves
  • Grapeseed or pure olive oil (for frying)
  • 3 tbsp. Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • 4 oz. Grated Ricotta Cheese
  • Salt and Pepper to taste
  1. Slice eggplant lengthwise 3/8 in think (leave skin on.) Sprinkle with salt on both sides.
  2. Place in strainer with weight on top (I placed 5 heavy cereal bowls on top) for approximately 45 minutes. Remove eggplant, pat excess water off with towel.
  3. Cut eggplant into cubes. Fry eggplant in grapeseed or pure olive oil until golden. Remove and place on plate lined with paper towel to drain off excess oil.
  4. In a large frying pan, add 1 jar Sal & Judy’s sauce, bring to a simmer. Add ½ cheese and stir into sauce. Add eggplant (can reserve some for garnish), extra virgin olive oil, and basil (can reserve some for garnish.) Stir. Reduce temperature to low. Add cooked pasta directly from boiling water. Salt & pepper to taste, mix and garnish with remainder of cheese, basil and eggplant.
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