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The Cajun Spoon Jamburritos

The Cajun Spoon Jamburritos

1 Box of The Cajun Spoon Jambalaya 
1 Tablespoon of Vegetable Oil
1 Pound of Chicken
1 Pound of Sausage
Tortilla Shells
Shredded Cheese

Cooking Directions:
-Prepare one box of The Cajun Spoon Jambalaya Mix according to directions on the box.
-Lay out tortilla shells and spread a tablespoon of salsa and ranch.
-Spread The Cajun Spoon Jambalaya over the tortilla of salsa and ranch.
-Add 1/4 a cup of shredded cheese over The Cajun Spoon Jambalaya.
-Wrap the tortilla.
-Grill press the tortilla on medium high heat for about 45 seconds.
-Serve with a sauce of your choice. Enjoy!

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